Fans of anti-Fascism and pro-Democracy:
Welcome to Fascism 2.0: American-style
Designed to provide well-informed, strategy-driven, anti-Fascist/pro-Democratic ideas for teaching, training, and executing steps, we will journey into the distant past, the near past, and the present to explore the rise, retreat, and rise again of a uniquely American-cultured Fascism.
The ongoing threat of full-blown Fascism triumphing on, or shortly after, January 20, 2025, Presidential Inaugural Day, should deeply, deeply concern every pro-democratic, patriotic, thinking American.
This website’s aspiration is to elevate and amplify, define and analyze, organize and mobilize, all in pursuit of radical pro-Democracy and anti-Fascist actions and activities.
Three cornerstone ideological systems — out of which all the other “ugly” ideologies (racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc.) spill — stand out: State-Corporatism, White Supremacy, and Religious Nationalism. You will see much more development of these systems and ideologies as we teach and learn together.
About the American Fascist Site
So, why “Fascism 2.0”?
Because it nearly “happened” in 1930s America, during the Great Depression, when a 1933-34 Wall Street-engineered Fascist plot and coup attempt — thwarted by General Smedley Butler and publicly-exposed by a 1934 Congressional inquiry — almost toppled Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency. Sinclair Lewis’ ironically-titled 1935 novel, It Can’t Happen Here, the emergence of right-wing radio demagogues attacking FDR as a Communist, the growing popularity of Fascist “German Bunds,” and the Charles Lindbergh-led America First Committee (1940-41) that opposed U.S. aid to the Allies in World War II, carried forward an ideology ever-present in America, from the 1920s to the present.
What Does Fascist Stand For?

It Can’t Happen Here, right?
Keep coming back. This’ll be both powerful (as we take down all Fascists!) and beautiful (as we win democracy and justice for all!).